Sunday, August 27, 2006

Reliving a life full of imagination...

I was reading the Forbes Top 40 Richest Singaporeans this morning and I felt really inspired by many of them. Just for your information, to make it onto the list, you need at least a net worth of 55 million dollars. I sent the link to Limin because I thought she might be interested. For those who are interested, here's the link :

It was very inspirational for me because many of these billionaires and millionaires worked from scratch. Its amazing how determined and hardworking these people were back in those days. I wish someday I will make it onto the list...Its just a dream for me...but a dream that I am willing to strive for. The current fact is that I may never make it to the list unless I do something spectacular with my life....

I think I have always lived a life full of facts and truths. Since the age of 12, I think I have lost my sense of imagination. I remember when I was younger, I was always drawing imaginary machines or objects that I think would make my life better at the young age of 6 - 11. A teleport machine that can teleport me from home to school so that I would not have to wake up sooo early in the morning. A button that I can click to filter out all my mum's excessive and incessant nagging. Those are just two examples that I can remember now..haha.. Thinking back now, I must say they were rather amusing thoughts. Don't think my mum would like it if she is reading this..haha..*pss,please don't tell my mum*
Somehow along the way, I lost my sense of imagination and creativity to a whole system of facts,truths, grades and mugging... Well, at least 10 years later at the age of 22, I think I am slowly regaining my sense of imagination and creativity. I have become more willing to explore different opportunities and try new approaches.. Doing things that are out of the norm. things that have not been done. Maybe thats why I have been imagining ways in which my friends and I can have fun doing what we like and make some money at the same time.

I got plans brewing...and I sure hope WE can pull it through. Even if it might fail in the end, it will be a great learning experience for all of us *wink* Wish me luck for my million dollar dream! I'll leave you with a famous quote from Einstein:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
Quoted from "What Life Means to Einstein: An Interview by George Sylvester Viereck," for the October 26, 1929 issue of The Saturday Evening Post.

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