Friday, August 25, 2006

Back On The Block

Life is unpredictable and everchanging...

Much has happened over the past week and it has been a really turbulent roller coaster ride. Some parts about me has changed within that short span of time while other parts have simply grown stronger. I am glad to say that I have survived the ordeal and emerged as a better person. I am ready to face the challenges ahead. Now, I have a better understanding of my personality, needs and habits. And to all my friends who have showered me with messages and concerns: Thank you all! I really appreciated it and I am truly happy to have friends like you. Thanks for being there for me. You can't imagine how much it meant to me.

I have been spending the last few hours trying to sort out my priorities and to set goals that I hope to achieve in the near future. Nothing in life comes easy and nothing is ever guaranteed. Some people spend their whole lifetime pursing their dreams and giving their all but sadly end up with nothing to show. But I believe these people are the luckiest and bravest people to have ever walked this earth because they dared to pursue their dreams. These are the only people who have lived life to the fullest and lived life with a dream. I truely respect these people and I would like to become one some day. As such, from this day onwards, I will promise myself to live life with a dream. my very own special dream...

Watch out people, the Kid is Back On The Block.

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